UNISS NEWSLETTER (The Griot) Vol. 2 No.2 is OUT!!!

UNISS NEWSLETTER (The Griot) Vol. 2 No.2 is OUT!!! Forward by Mr. Abdoulaye Mar Dieye“Industrialization is key to an economically viable and stable economy. We can achieve it at a macro-scale, but it is also important if we start at the micro-level because, here, everyone including the local communities are included in the processes that is established. And yes, no one is left behind if communities are engaged.Thus this is a specially dedicated edition of the UNISS Newsletter, focused on Industrialization in the Sahel. It presents a pictoral and descriptive overview of industrialization opportunities that exists in the Sahel region/ countries, including what the population, private and public sector including other stakeholders are doing to support industrialization in the region. It also contains best practices with various examples of industrial practices in the Sahelian countries.At our just concluded high-level side event co-organized by the Government of Niger, the United Nat ...


THE UNISS NEWSLETTER -THE GRIOT- IS OUT Foreword by USG Mr. Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, UN Special Coordinator for Development in the Sahel“2022 started with a collective hope. A hope to strengthen our service to Sahelians through our three working pillars which are: governance, resilience, and peace and security, with full awareness that realization would be impaired in conditions where peace is itself still a hope.Colleagues, the 13th UNISS Steering Committee meeting in N’Djamena held in May of this year discussed three possible accelerators, namely: industrialization, water, and governance, around which we could focus our attention and joint efforts. To achieve this, and outcomes of other equally important activities the issue of building or maintaining peace in the Sahel is a sine qua non without which development can be achieved.To this end, this edition of “the Griot” highlights how peace can be re-established in communities through inter-community and government actions, empowering ...

The Griot – E-newsletter V.1 No.4

The Griot – E-newsletter V.1 No.4 Foreword Dear friends, colleagues, and partners of the Sahel, in 2021, the question of empowerment and building resilience was top on our collective agendas, including the United Nations. This involved largely initiatives that prioritized protecting important sectors and the people, especially Sahel’s most precious demographic dividend – the youth. As women and youth remain a core priority of our Sahel Strategy, the United Nations throughout 2021 implemented a plethora of actions and accelerated existing initiatives with a goal to achieving this thunderous agenda.This 4th edition of the Griot – our quarterly UNISS newsletter, the last edition for 2021/ and early 2022 therefore captures the remarkable work of the UN in the Sahel in youth and women. In this edition, you would discover with delight all the strides that have been recorded including our continuing efforts to deliver on UNISS. And without hesitation, ...

The Griot – E-newsletter V.1 No.3

The Griot – E-newsletter V.1 No.3 Contents Voices of the Sahel The Sahel is literally a youthful region, with two thirds of its population being young vibrant people, 46 to 50 percent of the region’s population under 15 years old, and under 24 said to number above 230 million. This indeed is an asset and represents great hope for the future of the region. Recognizing the power of Africa’s youth, African Union member states adopted in 2006 the African Youth Charter to reaffirm their commitment to the development of the continent’s population between the ages 14 and 35 years old, and to ensure the participation and involvement of young people in the development agenda of Africa.The United Nations Integrated Strategy of the Sahel (UNISS) also underscores a focus on youth as critical to addressing root causes of the multifaced challenges in Sahel. Thus, youth empowerment constitutes one of the priority areas of intervention of its accompanying ...