Dakar, 30 September 2024


 Dear Youth and Women of the Sahel, Colleagues, and Partners, 

             Let me start by welcoming you to the second edition of our regional Consultation; the Voices from the Sahel, a platform where youths and women of the Sahel and beyond, and the United Nations, engage directly on key topics that accelerate durable progress of the region.

          Our region – the Sahel, beyond the challenges we see and hear, is not without its unmeasurable potential. Of, course, the opportunities for development, peace, stability and progress in this region supersede the current challenges confronting it. As I recalled to you in my opening message in 2021, at our first consultation, most of the challenges the Sahel is facing are more, man-made than natural, which makes the challenges solvable than perennial. 

            The United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel and the United Nations Support Plan fully recognize women and youth of the Sahel as key players in our implementation process. This means, our reflections on how to accompany the States and people must always ensure your inclusion and active participation, so that collectively, we can engage in frank, durable and transformative solutions to achieve stable development, peace and prosperity.  Read Full statement: Here





##    This edition of the consultation focuses on amplifying the voices of youth, shifting more attention to young women, to better understand their needs, ensuring their voices are heard and concerns equally addressed, as well as identifying key areas where the UN in the Sahel can provide more effective and transformative support for sustainable social and economic development for a more peaceful, stable, resilient, and prosperous Sahel. The sessions shall be moderated by UN Regional Directors of Agencies, Funds and Programmes. September 30 to 25 October 2024


## Follow us: For Regular updates: UNISS X

## –Registration procedure below.

Instructions on how to Register and participate  Instructions pour s’inscrire et pour participer 
In order to register and to take part in the Consultation, you are required to sign up (register) at https://www.sparkblue.org/with your email address. The steps to follow are:

1.       Go to https://www.sparkblue.org/ and click on sign up.

2.       It will prompt you to enter your email and username and then click on, create account.

3.       A link will be sent to your email asking you to create your password and enter profile details. Copy it and paste on your browser.

4.       Then you create your password and enter the profile details including a profile picture if you desire.

5.       There, it is done.

6.       Now, go to the Voices of the Sahel Conversation Platform at: https://www.sparkblue.org/group/voices-sahel-conversations-visions-solutions-second-edition

7.       On the left side of your screen, you will see Join. Click on it and then, you click on join group.

* Note that at the on right corner of the page, you have the option to select your preferred language for viewing the content. 


Afin de vous inscrire et de participer à aux conversations Sahel sur la plateforme Spark Blue, vous devez vous enregistrer (vous inscrire) sur https://www.sparkblue.org/ avec votre adresse électronique. Les étapes à suivre sont les suivantes :

1.       Allez sur https://www.sparkblue.org/ et cliquez sur “sign up”.

2.       Il vous sera demandé d’entrer votre adresse électronique et votre nom d’utilisateur, puis de cliquer sur Créer un compte (create account)

3.       Un lien sera envoyé à votre e-mail vous demandant de créer votre mot de passe et d’entrer les détails de votre profil. Copiez-le et collez-le sur votre navigateur.

4.       Ensuite, vous créez votre mot de passe et entrez les détails du profil, y compris une photo de profil si vous le souhaitez.

5.       Voilà, c’est fait.

6.       Maintenant, allez sur la plateforme de la conversation Voix du Sahel à l’adresse suivante :https://www.sparkblue.org/group/voices-sahel-conversations-visions-solutions-second-edition

7.       Sur le côté gauche de votre écran, vous verrez Join. Cliquez dessus et ensuite, vous cliquez sur rejoindre le groupe (Join group).

* Notez que dans le coin supérieur droit de la page, vous avez la possibilité de sélectionner votre langue préférée pour visualiser le contenu.

### For more information:

Contact: Ashu Hailshamy (ashu.hailshamy@undp.org); Jiyeon Park (jiyeon.park@undp.org), Madina Ba (madina.ba@un.org); Aicha Gamby (mame.gamby@un.org)

Visit: https://uniss-sahel.org/

Follow us on:https://x.com/unis_sahel


The launch, which was done on Thursday 15 August 2024, introduced the #IAMSahel campaign to the public, national, regional and global audience. As part of the overall Change of the Narrative Initiative on the Sahel, this campaign showcases the resilience and ingenuity of the Sahelians and engaging everyone in the narrative of opportunity and growth within the region.

The online launch was a crucial part of the UNDP’s #IAMSAHEL campaign. This virtual event
aimed to engage journalists and media personnel worldwide, ensuring a broad and
impactful reach. The digital platform allowed for interactive engagement, ensuring that the
diverse narratives of the Sahel are shared widely and effectively.

1. Introduce the #IAMSahel campaign to a global audience, highlighting why the
campaign and the expected outcome.
2. Showcase transformative impact stories and initiatives from the Sahel that illustrate
ingenuity, resilience and innovation – in a way that the media hardly tells or covers.
3. Engage journalists and media personnel, encouraging them to relook at the narratives
about the Sahel to provide a well-balanced story.
4. Foster a balanced discourse that recognizes challenges but predominantly helps to
surface transformative developments, actions, and tangible opportunities within the
Sahel that put Sahelians in the driver’s seat (For more…)

Watch the Launch: Here

Join/Follow the campaign on X: Here, HereHere


SALAM SAHEL: Un nouveau canal de communication (chaîne de podcasts) pour l’Alliance Sahel vient d’être lancé!

SALAM SAHEL: Un nouveau canal de communication (chaîne de podcasts) pour l’Alliance Sahel vient d’être lancé!

  The new communication channel for the Sahel Alliance called “SALAM SAHEL” aims to share expert opinions on development issues in the Sahel.
          The recent podcast had as guest the United Nations Special Coordinator for Development in the Sahel,  Mr. Abdoulaye Mar DIEYE  where he conveyed key messages on issues relating to the development of the region, especially in the current context.

      Mr. Mar Dieye  sent concrete messages to governments and development partners:

  • “There is a need for populations to regain their dignity”
  • “The notion of development must not be compromised by political and security issues. We must stay in the moment of action despite the difficulties.”

To follow the channel and listen to the podcast,  click on the following links:

The podcast can also be listened to on these main platforms:


Sécurité en Afrique de l’Ouest 2023- Investir la filière agricole

Sécurité en Afrique de l’Ouest 2023- Investir la filière agricole


Dans le contexte de renouvellement de
l’approche française envers le continent
africain, ainsi qu’en raison d’une dégradation sécuritaire continue au Sahel et dans le nord des pays du Golfe de Guinée, l’Institut Montaigne
a fait le choix de travailler sur des axes de politiques publiques en faveur de l’Afrique de l’Ouest afin de participer à une réflexion sécuritaire renouvelée, s’appuyant sur une compréhension fine des racines du jihadisme et des solutions socio-économiques à y apporter…

(Lire en plus…) et Ici





Dakar, 12 September 2023 – The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Leonardo Santos Simao, hosted, on 12 September 2023 in Dakar, Senegal, the 38th. Meeting of the Heads of the United Nations Missions.

The objective of the meeting was to take stock of political and security situation, as well as development and governance-related issues and trends across the Sahel, West and Central
Africa regions. The meeting particularly aimed to agree on ways to recalibrate the UN approach and review its strategic engagement to better address the multifaceted challenges, and safeguard principles of democratic governance, rule of law and restoration of confidence in Governments, including in the context of relevant African instruments adopted by the African Union and other Regional economic communities/regional mechanisms. The meeting also provided an opportunity to exchange views on the principle of subsidiarity, complementarity and comparative advantages, to allow more appropriate responses to crisis between the UN and the regional organisations..

Read More:…

In English: (Read More)

In French: (Read More).


USG Abdoulaye Mar Dieye Participates, at the Confindustria Africa Event in Rome, Italy.

USG Abdoulaye Mar Dieye Participates, at the Confindustria Africa Event in Rome, Italy.


Dakar Senegal, 23 June 2023.

Today 23 June 2023, the United Nations Special Coordinator for Development in the Sahel, Under Secretary-General Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, participated at the Confindustria Africa Event in Rome, Italy (the Italian umbrella association of private companies). The aim of this important event that took place at the LUISS University; School of Governance in Rome, was to engage in discussions on the current status of the Sahel vis à vis the growing interest of Italian Private Sector interests and opportunities in the Sahel region. Key discussions centered on Private sector possible investment in the Sahel, notably possible pathways for strategic partnership between the Private Sector in Italy and those in the Sahel Region. The meeting was co-organized by Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo and LUISS University.

The United Nations Special Coordinator addressed the select group comprised of the Private Sector, Researchers, diplomats, Specialists and the University Community. Among other key interventions, the Special Coordinator spoke to the three (3) Arcs evident in the Sahel; (1) Arc of despair (which is the old narrative); (2) Arc of solidarity – (noting that the Sahel is a global public good) and (3) the Arc of prosperity (the opportunities in the Sahel beyond natural resources)

Read more


Sahel : l’heure est grave!

Sahel: the situation is serious!



“Sahel: this is a serious time! As violence still haunts the Sahel, the UN estimates that one in three people are in need of humanitarian aid and protection in Burkina Faso, northern Cameroon, Mali, Niger and northeastern Nigeria. For these 34.5 million people, time is running out…” TV5 MONDE 

The different interventions by:

  1. Mr. Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, the United Nations Special Coordinator for Development in the Sahel,
  2. Mr. Charles Bernimolin, Head of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) for West and Central Africa as well as,
  3. Mr. Alexander Le Cuziat, Program Emergencies Manager for the Regional Office of the World Food Program (WFP) for West and Central Africa.

“We must have the courage to say that the Sahel belongs to all of us… what is happening in the #Sahel is much bigger… it is a denial of human rights to the Sahelian population. When a humanitarian crisis continues and becomes structural and recurrent, there is something that is not normal” ” Mr. Abdoulaye Mar Dieye,

Watch the video here:



Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative – EITI 2013 Global Conference – Transparency in Transition – Déclaration de M. Abdoulaye Mar DIEYE

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative – EITI 2013 Global Conference – Transparency in Transition – Statement by Mr. Abdoulaye Mar DIEYE

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative – EITI 2013 Global Conference

Transparency in Transition

Statement by Mr. Abdoulaye Mar DIEYE

United Nations Special Coordinator for Development in the Sahel

Dakar Senegal, Tuesday June 13, 2023.



Ladies and gentlemen,

I would first like to salute the spirit of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative – EITI which, twenty years ago, almost to the day, was put in place to establish a framework for concrete actions, to contribute substantially to ensuring that profits from the mining and energy sectors are used to support development.

Twenty later, in a world in continuous convulsion, a world which has crossed the majority of planetary limits, including in particular climate change, the integrity of the biosphere, the disruption of the biochemical cycles of nitrogen and phosphorus, modifications of land use and the introduction of new entities into the environment, it is certain that our future is increasingly uncertain. Continuing to irrationally extract the bowels of the earth could be an invitation to the apocalypse.

We must therefore make a transition towards responsible collective action for a more rational use of these resources, which are not renewable; and therefore, ward off a possible or even probable apocalypse.

In this perspective, and to give a framework to our discussions, I would like to suggest 3 areas of reflection and action

First of all, how to get out of the paradox that many countries, despite the abundance of extractive resources, are still in poor development and poverty. There is, and it is sad, for the least developed countries, a strong correlation between the existence of an abundance of extractive resources and poverty. Certainly, this correlation is not causation; However, it warns of the mismanagement of natural resources, and challenges us to the imperative to escape from this trap, which is often called “the curse of natural resources” or “the paradox of abundance”

I don’t believe in curses; such an idea promotes a determinism which, in my opinion, should not even be on our thinking radar, because it risks anesthetizing our actions. I am convinced that we can escape from this unacceptable paradox if we pursue a fair and effective extractive policy, that is to say:

  • If the extractives chain is managed, in its entirety, with citizen and community participation; and with transparency, in particular with perfect traceability of the resources generated, including to bank accounts, even off-shore, where the resources generated are deposited.
  • If we minimize the disruptive effects of extractive activities on their physical and human environment, and which are observed in periods of strong economic growth, and therefore of expansion of these activities.
  • If we put in place effective macroeconomic management of extractive rent, which makes it possible to avoid the famous Dutch Disease ; which manifests itself in an appreciation of the real exchange rate which could penalize local industry subject to international competition.
  • If the energy transition, which must be fair, promotes the energy mix, avoids the specter of the devaluation of assets linked to extractives (Stranded Assets) ; and is part of a broader economic transition, which promotes the structural transformation of economies, including the substantial increase in the internal retention rate in value chains, and the accentuated promotion of local content.

I believe, however, that managing the effective sustainability of extractive rent will require appropriate, adequate and transparent governance; and this is the second axis of my framing.

But I would like to extricate myself from the classic, but no less fair, discourse on the imperative of good governance at the country level, particularly those which are candidates for the EITI Initiative. I think that we do not place enough emphasis on governance with a global dimension where ethics is not often the rule, and which sees predators of all kinds exercising a terrifying holdup, and that is the word , on resources from countries with weak governance. And this is increasingly the case in our world today where we are observing tectonic upheavals in global geopolitics, with strong destabilizing resonances in areas of increased fragility such as the Sahel region.

We will therefore have to fight for more justice, equity and balance in global governance. This will not just be a battle of the states; but also a battle of parliaments, which must, in the name of the people, always validate and if necessary reopen contracts when they are judged unfair, a battle of citizens, in organized coalitions. In short, a battle of good consciences. I would like to take this opportunity to salute the excellent work of the African Union Coalition for Dialogue in Africa (CODA), which also provides the secretariat of the High Level Group on Illicit Financial Flows. I would like to recommend greater synergy of reflection and actions between the EITI Initiative, and CODA, and other structures that have congruent mandates. In this complex issue of extractives, the federation of good consciences will be our strength.

My third axis is therefore quite naturally a result of the first two, in the sense that it is a recommendation to the EITI Initiative, to consider moving to a new generation of the battery of Norms or Standards, by integrating a certain number of what could be perceived as intangibles but which are realities, such as ethics, social justice, intergenerational balance, the need to protect our Planet and securing our future.

Because our world is increasingly systemic, sovereign ratings, i.e. those focusing exclusively on countries, are increasingly losing their relevance. Norms or standards should rather address the ecosystem of actors; national and international actors; public and private actors. The EITI, which has earned its reputation and is well read by the market, could be a pioneer in this reinvention of standards. I invite him to it. The large Credit Rating Agencies should then follow.

Thank you.



Statement by Mr. Abdoulaye Mar DIEYE, UN Special Coordinator for Development in the Sahel, at the UNDP Led High-Level Methodology Workshop for Envisioning an Alternative Narrative on Farmers-Herders Dynamics in Africa, Abuja Nigeria, 08 February 2023

Statement by Mr. Abdoulaye Mar DIEYE, UN Special Coordinator for Development in the Sahel, at the UNDP Led High-Level Methodology Workshop for Envisioning an Alternative Narrative on Farmers-Herders Dynamics in Africa, Abuja Nigeria, 08 February 2023


Colleagues and friends

  1. The subject we are reviewing during this workshop is certainly one of the most complex political and developmental issues the Sahel region and other parts in Africa, including the Horn & Central Africa, are facing today.
  2. When one observes the various trends in the region one would see that the herders – farmers tension is one of the most exploding trends; recent statistics of ACLED (The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project) shows a rate of increase of registered tensions by 7 % per year since 2012, in the Sahel countries.
  3. It is out of frustration of “no-effective global & durable solution in sight” that UN Senior Management has called for a critical strategic review of the way we are addressing the issue, using multiple & collective expertise, to pause, take stock, reflect, and guide, all actors, towards a sustainable exit out of the “tensions” we are seeing in (Read more…)